Purpose + Positioning
Consider these two questions: What is your purpose? How are you positioned?
The Purpose+Positioning process takes brands through a series of exercises to define purpose and build a differentiated position. The process takes anywhere from 30-90 days to complete and we work collaboratively with clients to develop a custom format that meets their needs and schedule. Brands leave this process with a strong strategic foundation and creative materials that execute upon the new strategy. In the sessions, we’ll work through 8 key areas of the business which are listed below.
1. Purpose
What is your purpose as a company and why do you exist?
2. Positioning
How are you positioned against everyone else in the category?
3. Principles
What principles do you live by?
4. Practices
How do you practice your principles?
5. Customer
Who is your customer and what do they need?
6. Company
How does your company operate to fulfill your purpose?
7. Category
What does your industry look like and what will it look like in the future?
8. Culture
How does culture impact your category, company and customers?